Corporate Bookkeeping – Contabilidad Corporativa
It is Essential as we know it, to register and record each transaction carried out by the companies, not only for keeping accounts organized but also to file taxes annualy.
I offer you to keep your accounts in order that you know monthly, quarterly, and annually the financial status of your business; your income and expenses, balance sheet, profit and loss statements, report that allow you to make decisions about the performance of your company.
In this way you will be free from setbacks having the company’s information and reports up to date and in an accurate way for the presentation of your taxes to the Internal Revenue Services (IRS).
Es Esencial el registro de cada transaccion realizada o llevada a cabo por las companies, no solo para mantener tus cuentas organizadas sino para la presentación de tus impuestos anualmente.
Te ofrezco mantener tus cuentas en orden y que sepas mensual, trimestral y anualmente el status financier de tu negocio; tus ingresos y egresos, tu balance general, estado de perdidas y ganancias, reports que te permiten tomar decisions sobre el desempeño de tu negocio.
De esta manera estaras libre de contratiempos teniendo la información de la compañia y reeportes al dia y de una manera precisa y correcta para la presentación de tus taxes al Internal Revenue Services (IRS).